Smooth-Hound (Mustelus asterias)

Well-known angling journalist Mike Thrussell and one of his Smooth-Hound taken in July, 2012
Specimen weight: 6.62 lbs (3.0 kg)
Record: 16.58 lbs, Carne, 2000
Resemble clumsily built tope-like shark with, at most, a shallow notch in the tailfin. Teeth adapted for crushing rather than cutting, in beds like those of a skate. Two European species:
- Mustelus mustelus. Plain grey. Its status as an Irish species is uncertain.
- Mustelus asterias. Grey sprinkled with small, pale spots. Not uncommon. Grows to about 4 feet.
Best Times to Fish Smooth Hound | |||||||||||
Note: ★ ★ Very good time to fish Smooth Hound |