Bream (Abramis brama)

NEW RECORD BREAM: 6.07 kg Ballywillan Lough Fisheries, Co. Down, 24th June, 2012 – Bryan Robinson
Specimen weight: 3.4 kg (7.5 lb).
Record weight: 12lb 3oz, Bolganard Lake, 1997
Bream are one of the most common coarse fish species in Ireland. They range from relatively small canal fish (although big specimens can be taken from stretches of limestone canal) to Shannon shoal fish sometimes averaging over 5lbs each, to the small groups of specimens in limestone loughs where individuals can exceed 10lbs.
Adults are easily recognizable by their bronze hue, black fins and protruding upper jaw. Immature bream are termed ‘skimmers’ and differ from the adults by virtue of their silver coloration.
Bream reach maturity between 7-10 years of age. Spawning occurs between mid-May and mid-June when water temperatures reach 15°C. Eggs of 1.6-2 mm are laid in weed beds in shallow water.
The average adult bream produces 30,000-40,000 eggs/kg. Longevity (age): Bream can live for about 25 years.
Natural diet in adults consists mainly of chironomid and caddis larva, gammarus and benthic invertebrates.
Best Angling Methods:
Float fishing with wagglers, polaris and other floats; ledgering with arseley bombs and swimfeeders; long pole to hand or short line.
Best Baits:
Maggots, worms, bread, casters, sweetcorn etc. with brown crumb and a range of continental groundbaits and flavourings.
Best Times to Fish Bream | |||||||||||
Note: ★ Good time to fish Bream ★ ★ Very good time to fish Bream |