Flounder (Platichthys flesus)

Peter McGrath with his Bannow Bay Flounder, 2011
Specimen weight: 1.1kg (2.4255 lbs )
Record: 4.91 lbs, Ballyteigue, Co. Wexford, 1993
Eyes and colour normally on the right side, but “reversed” examples are commoner amongst flounders than amongst other flat fishes. Conspicuous eniarged, rough, hard scales on head ridge, anterior part of lateral line and along bases of dorsal and anal fins on the eyed side. Dark brown to greenish-grey, sometimes with vague orange spots, blind side uniform opaque white. Grows to about 5 lb. Often occurs in fresh water well above the limits of the tide.
Best Times to Fish Flounder | |||||||||||
Note: ★ Good time to fish Flounder ★ ★ Very good time to fish Flounder |