Irish Record Fish

NEW RECORD BREAM: 6.07 kg Ballywillan Lough Fisheries, Co. Down, 24th June, 2012 – Bryan Robinson
New Irish records are usually established every year. Many of the existing records pre-date the formation of the ISFC. When the ISFC was established in 1955 the Committee examined existing records from various sources and published a list of verified records. This list provided the benchmark for anglers to achieve and surpass. Since those formative years many records have been broken and new records are established virtually every year.
For various reasons many of long-standing records may never be broken. However, this is one of the challenges of angling and with greater angler proficiency and skill, and improvements in angling techniques and technology the prospect of breaking these and the other records is irresistible.
The Irish Record Fish are divided into two different species categories, Freshwater Species and Marine Species. To find out more about information about record weight for Freshwater and/or Marine Species, click on the links below